The scriptures teach us that prayer is the most important and powerful aspect of the life of every believer. It is as vital to our spiritual life as breathing is to our physical life, we can’t survive without it. What would happen if every believer spent as much time in prayer as they do talking or texting on the telephone, watching television or on the internet? Why not try it? Trade some time on the Internet for more time on the INNERNET.
Prayer Chain
First Baptist has a group of Prayer Warriors who are “on call” to pray for needs and requests. We invite you to become one of our Prayer Warriors. Contact the church office for information about becoming part of our Prayer Chain Ministry. You may also submit Prayer Chain requests through the church office.
Prayer Partner Ministry
Woman to woman or man to man meeting to pray for each other and their concerns. Within this ministry is also a Prayer Chain where concerns are shared via email.
Evening Prayer
Every Thursday evening at 5:15pm in the upstairs prayer chapel (“The Upper Room”) during the Fall, Winter, and Spring months. These gatherings are for anyone who feels like they could use some prayer and Scripture to meditate on towards the end of the day. They include psalms, hymns, historic church prayers, and praises and prayer requests. If room runs out in the prayer chapel, we meet in the sanctuary.
Women’s Prayer Groups
Contact Person: Vickie Waters
Men’s Accountability Groups
Men meet together to pray and support each other once a week. Contact Person: Jeff Waters